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Install and Setup vsftpd on Ubuntu 14.04

Install and Setup vsftpd on Ubuntu 14.04


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

In this tutroial we will Install and setup vsftpd on Ubuntu 14.04

Beware: All FTP data is not encrypted and is insecure. All transfers and data ...

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A Brief Introduction to Docker

A Brief Introduction to Docker


Application stacks are continually getting more complicated and have always been a challenge to deploy without problems. Docker specializes in containers, which make the process easier for developers to rapidly deploy and manage applications.

Docker containers use shared operating systems. Instead of virtualizing hardware, containers use one single Linux install. This in turn means ...

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12 Essential Wordpress Security Tips

12 Essential Wordpress Security Tips

In light of the recent XSS security flaw here are some tips and tricks for Wordpress security.


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Getting started with Owncloud Server 8 on Webcore Cloud

Getting started with Owncloud Server 8 on Webcore Cloud

ownCloud Server 8 is here. This new release brings improved sharing and collaboration between clouds and introduces faster ways of getting at your files with favorites and improved search.

We have an ownCloud server package available and here are a few simple steps to get up and running and start sharing files.


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Install PostgreSQL 9.4 on Centos 6.x with PgAdmin3

Install PostgreSQL 9.4 on Centos 6.x with PgAdmin3


PostgreSQL is an Open Source, High Perfomance, object-relational database system (ORDBMS). It is feature rich, with many more functionalities than other systems such as MySQL.

There is a great in-depth article available here, which explains the many benefits of using PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL-9.4 has just been released, and in this tutorial we will install ...

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